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Florida Boat Accident Lawyer / Sarasota Maritime Accident Lawyer

Sarasota Maritime Accident Lawyer

Sarasota is one of the most popular places in Florida for boating, and it is also a location that is close to cruise ship terminal in Florida. Spending time on the water is enjoyable for residents of Sarasota, as well as visitors to the area. Most people who live in Sarasota or visit the city imagine warm and sunny days on calm Gulf waters. However, there are many different types of serious accidents and injuries that can occur on vessels large and small. If you were injured while enjoying time on a vessel on the water, or while working on or around boats and ships in Sarasota, you could be eligible to file a maritime injury claim. Contact our experienced Sarasota maritime accident lawyer today for more information about maritime accidents and how you can seek financial compensation.

Learning More About Sarasota Maritime Accidents

Maritime accidents in Sarasota can occur on a wide range of vessels, as well as on docks and similar areas where vessels are stored and where passengers board boats and ships. In Sarasota, maritime accidents can result in injuries to passengers, as well as to workers. When it comes to workers and maritime injuries, workers can include those who work at ports and on docks, as well as those who are employed on boats such as cruise ships and tour boats. The captain is often responsible for the safety of passengers and may be liable for certain maritime injuries.

While maritime injury claims are similar to other types of personal injury lawsuits in many ways, it is also important to know that these are also quite distinct from other types of injury cases since they involve maritime law and have a much shorter statute of limitations than other injury cases in Florida. Depending upon the circumstances of a particular maritime accident, it may be necessary to file a claim for compensation under federal law, such as the Jones Act or the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA).

Common Maritime Accident Injuries in Sarasota

Maritime accidents can involve, for example, slips and falls onboard vessels or on docks, jet ski and cruise ship collisions, boating crashes, falls overboard, struck-by accidents, and exposure injuries. The following are some of the most common types of injuries that occur in maritime accidents in Sarasota and throughout Southwest Florida:

  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Spinal cord injuries;
  • Broken bones;
  • Amputations;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Organ damage; and
  • Burn injuries.

Steps to Take After a Maritime Accident in Sarasota

What should you do after a maritime accident? Take the following steps to ensure that you have the evidence you need to file a claim:

  • Take photos and video at the scene of the maritime accident;
  • Identify possible witnesses and contact information;
  • Get a medical assessment as soon as possible; and
  • Hire a Sarasota maritime accident attorney to assist you with your case.

Contact Frank D. Butler Today

Anyone who has been injured in a maritime accident should get in touch with an attorney as soon as possible to discuss options for filing a claim. It is critical to begin working on your case as quickly as you can since you will only have a limited amount of time to move forward with a lawsuit under maritime law. Do not hesitate to reach out to Frank D. Butler to find out more about the services we provide to clients who have been injured in maritime accidents in Southwest Florida. Contact our experienced Sarasota maritime accident lawyer today.

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