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Florida Boat Accident Lawyer / Sarasota Dock & Marina Accident Lawyer

Sarasota Dock & Marina Accident Lawyer

Recreational and commercial boating crashes and water sports accidents occur frequently on the water in Sarasota, but people can also suffer injuries while boarding vessels at docks and marinas or while working at these areas. It is critical to understand that these types of claims may be governed by very specific federal laws, and it is essential to work with an injury lawyer who has experience handling injury cases that occur at docks and marinas. Contact our experienced Sarasota dock & marina accident lawyer today.

Common Types of Dock and Marina Accidents in Sarasota

Many different types of accidents and injuries can occur on docks and at marinas in the Sarasota area. The following are just some of the causes of dock and marina accidents for which you may be eligible to seek financial compensation:

  • Slip, trip, or fall injury on the dock;
  • Boat crashes;
  • Falls from heights, from an upper walkway onto a dock below while boarding a ship or boat;
  • Accidents involving mooring lines;
  • Dock or pier collapses;
  • Electrocution injuries on docks or at marinas;
  • Machinery accidents;
  • Cargo-related injuries; and
  • Falls overboard or falls into the water from a dock.

Laws That May Be Applicable to a Sarasota Dock or Marina Accident Claim

Which laws may be applicable to an injury that happens at a dock or marina in the Sarasota area? The answer to that question will depend in part on whether you were injured while you were actually onboard a boat or ship that was docked at the marina or at a specific dock area, or whether you were injured while you were still onshore when the accident happened. For customers and clients who are renting vessels, boarding their own boats at a marina, or boarding a cruise ship or other tour boat, whether or not the accident occurs on the water (i.e., on the boat) may affect whether maritime laws apply to your case.

For workers, the question of whether you are on a vessel or onshore will also affect which specific federal law will apply to your case. You should know that workers who suffer injuries at docks or marinas often file claims through the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). When injuries occur onboard a vessel, an injured employee may file a Jones Act claim. You should speak with a maritime injury attorney in Sarasota about the law under which you should file your case.

Contact Frank D. Butler Today

If you were injured on a dock or at a marina in the Sarasota area, it is essential to seek advice about your options for filing a claim. The laws under which you may be eligible to seek compensation will depend upon the specific facts of your case, so it is important to ask an attorney for advice. You should remember how important it is to work with an injury attorney who has particular experience handling maritime injury claims since these types of cases are distinct from other types of injury cases. Contact our experienced Sarasota dock & marina accident lawyer today.

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