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Florida Boat Accident Lawyer / Pensacola Boat Crash Lawyer

Pensacola Boat Crash Lawyer

Pensacola is known for many things, including its gorgeous coastline along the Gulf of Mexico and beautiful year-round weather. It is no wonder that boating is so popular here. Although most outings on a boat end with only good memories of a fun day, accidents can and do occur. When they do, they are likely to cause catastrophic injuries and sometimes, even wrongful death.

Many boating accidents are caused by the negligent, or careless, actions of another person and when that is the case, injured victims can file a claim against the party that caused the crash. Our Pensacola boat crash lawyer explains the laws on boating in the state, and how to determine who is liable for an accident.

Common Types of Boat Accidents in Pensacola

Most boat accidents involve one or more vessels crashing into each other. These crashes can occur due to inexperienced boat operators, large waves and wakes, faulty equipment, and more. Still, there are other types of boat crashes that can occur, as well. The most common of these are as follows:

  • Grounding, which occurs when a boat is in shallow water and becomes stuck on the bottom of the sea floor
  • Colliding with a fixed object, such as a dock
  • Crashing into objects underwater
  • Collisions that cause someone to fall overboard, increasing the risk of drowning

No matter the type of crash, these accidents always result in extremely serious injuries. While you can file a claim for compensation, you must first determine who is liable, or at fault, for the boat crash.

Who is Liable for a Boat Crash in Pensacola?

The vast majority of boat crashes in Pensacola are caused by negligent boat operators. Negligence, or carelessness, is legally defined as a failure to act in a reasonable manner that would keep everyone safe. Impaired boating, failure to pay attention, and speeding are just a few acts of negligence on the waterways that cause boat crashes. When a negligent boat operator is liable for a crash, injured individuals can file a claim against them, usually through a homeowners or boat insurance policy.

Careless boat operators can be liable for a crash, but there are other parties that may hold liability, as well. Defective and faulty boats, boat parts, or equipment can also cause an accident and when that is the case, the manufacturer can be held liable for a crash. Manufacturers have a legal obligation to ensure the products they create are safe to use and free of defects, and they can face a lawsuit when they do not.

Our Boat Crash Lawyer in Pensacola Can Help You Claim Damages

If you or someone you love has been injured, our Pensacola boat crash lawyer at The Law Offices of Frank D. Butler, P.A. can help you claim the full compensation you need to recover from your injuries and other losses. Call us now at 888-262-8529 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help with your case.

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