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How to Pursue an Injury Claim on a Getmyboat Trip?


I was injured on a GetMyBoat boating trip, how do I pursue my case. GetMyBoat was a company first founded in San Francisco in 2013. The idea, like so many peer-to-peer rentals was to get boat owners hooked up with persons who wanted to rent a boat on a short-term basis. Those short-term rentals are generally separated into two categories: those where the renter provides the captain of the vessel, and those where the owner of the vessel provides the captain of the vessel.

There are other versions of this peer-to-peer model where a boat broker acts as the go-between for the owner and renter; however, when an injury occurs on the vessel the dynamic is the same: an injured passenger with medical bills, potentially lost wages, and at times serious long-term injuries needs to recover from the at-fault owner and/or operator of the vessel. A Tampa Bay Times article notes that GetMyBoat has more than 3000 boat listings in the State of Florida. Here is a link to that article: An Airbnb for boats and 6 other ways to set sail around Tampa Bay

When you are looking for an attorney to handle your GetMyBoat boating injury, or injury from another boat rental situation, there is one very critical choice you need to make. That is: hire a highly experienced maritime boating injury attorney. Just as you want to have the best of doctors, you need to make sure you are hiring the best of boating accident injury attorneys.

How Do I Make Sure I Am Hiring the Best Boating Injury Attorneys?

Check the experience of any attorney who wants to handle your boating injury case. Do they really practice in maritime law every day? Do they even know what maritime law is? Do they get a boating accident case once every 5 or 10 years. It is easy for an attorney to advertise for “boating injury cases”, but do they actually handle them on a frequent basis?

Questions to Ask to Find the Right Boating Accident Attorney?

Ask them: If my boating accident was on or near the coast of Florida, what law applies? If they cannot tell you it is maritime law—not Florida law—then run.’

Ask them: What is my statute of limitations for my boating accident case? If they cannot tell you it is 3 years when maritime applies, then run. Most car accident attorneys are going to tell you it would be 4 years, but that only applies on inland waterways which are wholly enclosed. (i.e., on an enclosed inland lake)

Ask them: How many boating accident cases do you have right now? Most car accident attorneys are only going to have a boating accident case once every so often. We handle boating accident cases every day of the week—for the past 25 years. It is not a sideline, it is what we do.

Ask them: If there is no insurance on the boat, would I still have a case? The typical answer from a car accident attorney would be “no insurance, no case”. But actually maritime law provides that an injured person can pursue the vessel itself for the injuries sustained on or because of that vessel. The car accident attorney is unlikely to know this remedy. We do.

The Experienced Attorneys. The Right Attorneys

The Experienced Attorneys. The Right Attorneys.

If you are injured on a GetMyBoat rental boat or in any other boat rental situation, contact the boating accident specialists. You can trust our 25 years of experience in successfully recovering for clients injured in boating accidents.

We Are Boat Law Attorneys in Florida
Phone: 888-B-O-A-T-L-A-W

Yes, on Weekends and Holidays.

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